Hotel Corvus

Thermal Spa

The Élményfürdő is currently closed - the expected opening is expected during the year 2024.

Opening time: on weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00, at weekends from 10:00 to 20:00.

Medicinal water:


Because of natrium and iron contents water is appropriate for gyneological diseases but also has a good effect for reumatical illnesses. Salt content can solve soma skin problems. Calcium helps correct circulation troubles. After operation, accidents rehabilitation programs can help for the patients.


Elementary contraindications such as fever, special contraindications: acute advanced diseases, acute arthritis, acute locomotive diseases, cardiac and circulatory insufficiency, pregnancy, mental disorder, phlebitis, thrombosis.

The water of Gyopáros was officially qualified as medicinal water in 1999 and has acquired national importance. The thermal pools of the spa are supplied with water from two wells with a depth of 670 m. The temperature of the thermal water coming to the surface is 47°C, before pouring in the pools it is cooled to the desired temperature. Thermal water with high natural alkaline hydrogen carbonate content has an analgesic effect, brings relief for patients suffering from chronic back and neck pain, joint pain, increases the regenerative ability of the body, in this way bringing speedy recovery.

Thermal water under 34°C has anti-inflammatory effect, while at higher temperatures decreases muscle contraction, bringing relief for the patients. Inhalation of steam and humidity heals respiratory problems. When applied directly to the skin thermal water helps eczema, lichen planus or psoriasis with high efficiency.

The thermal water can be of help in case of different diseases affecting the spinal cord such as chronic low back pain, spinal disc herniation, nervous or joint (hand, knee, and ankle) inflammation, osteoporosis, rehabilitation after injuries, operation, fractures. Chronic gynaecological problems, urinary inflammations as well as sterility can be treated in this way. It is proven that thermal water as part of treatment has beneficial effect upon muscle diseases such as Parkinson syndrome, as well as in case of muscle contracture due to cerebral embolism or stroke.

Beside the positive effects bathing in thermal water is not recommended in the event of heart failure, high blood pressure, epilepsy, open wounds, tumours and malign diseases, acute infections, incontinency, infections or in the case of pregnancy.

The medicinal water contents: quantity of solute ingredients in 1 liter medicinal water

Potassium 4,0 mg
Natrium 370 mg
Ammonium 3,2 mg
Calcium 14,6 mg
Magnesium 1,1 mg
Ferrum 0,57 mg
Chlorid 26 mg
Iodine 0,090 mg
Fluoride 0,050 mg
Sulphate 26 mg
Hidrogen-carbonate 1130
Metaborsav 10 mg
Metakovasav 34 mg
Arsenic 0,005 mg
Total: 1620 mg/l

Medical Centre:

Within the complexity the physio- and balneotherapy centre provides complex, tailored treatment programmes depending on the patient’s condition and type of illness. Weight bath therapy, a genuine „hungaricum”, aims to displace the vertebras, thus stretching the back bone and enabling the restoring of the original, healthy condition of the vertebral disks. Weight bath is completely painless, as the up thrust of the water relaxes the body and the weights stretch the spine in a very gentle way.

The condition of this therapy is an X-ray made within 5 years. Treatment with carbonic acid bath: it is well known that carbonic acid penetration through skin into the human organism has positive effects: considerable dilatation of the skin vessels, accelerates the blood’s current, improves blood circulation. It is mainly applied after heart attack or heart operations.Underwater jet massage (tangentor): this therapy affects mainly the muscles. It is indicated in case of Bechterew disease and pain caused by osteoporosis.

OEP number: 4735

Reumatological consultation’s code: 040321402 or 040321401


  • painkilling effect
  • thermal water with high natural alkaline hydrogen carbonate content has an analgesic effect, brings relief for patients suffering from chronic back and neck pain, joint pain, increases the regenerative ability of the body, in this way bringing speedy recovery.

Thermal water under 34°C has anti-inflammatory effect, while at higher temperatures decreases muscle contraction, bringing relief for the patients. Inhalation of steam and humidity heals respiratory problems. When applied directly to the skin thermal water helps eczema, lichen planus or psoriasis with high efficiency.


Beside the positive effects bathing in thermal water is not recommended in the event of heart failure, high blood pressure, epilepsy, open wounds, tumours and malign diseases, acute infections, incontinency, infections or in the case of pregnancy.

Having a medical service

With doctor’s prescription:

Specialist service:
For examination please bring your earlier documents.

In the Medical centre the specialists can prescribe several phisicotherapy treatments, which you can get at the Spa and medical centre according to timetable. At the Medical Reception you can arrange appointments.

More information:
+36 68 512 230 (hétfő-péntek: 12.00-14.00-ig)

Click here for phisicotherapies treatments »

Without prescription:

There are various therapic offer which suitable for revitalizing.
Suggested time is for that from 4 days to 3 weeks, it is assures a specialist control. Most popular treatments: againts osteoporosis, sport trauma, rehabilitation after surgery.
Orosháza-Gyopárosfürdő can afford complex recreation for three generations, too. So you can have a relax together with your family. Besides the medical centre – with huge significance in Hungary, the health care services of Thermal Spa, Adventure pools and Sauna park contribute the efficiency of treatments. The clean air and gastronomical specialities help together for resource and perfect relaxation.

Click here for medical treatments »

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