Hotel Corvus

Spa and Wellness treatments - Gyopárosi Spa

There are so many various treatments at the Spa which needs to make an appointment.
Make an appointment and more information about prices:  +36-68/512-260.


Lava stone massage (60 minutes)

  • Massage ensures complete relax and peace. The rhythm of movements bring about full pleasure. During treatment muscles are massaged by hot lava stones by hand. Auras of body opens due to massage and the energies can flow. Massage is very good for myalgia, hasten the methabolism so makes the body detoxication.
  • Available at weekends.

Thai massage (60 minutes):

  • Massage is demandable on holidays.
  • Thai massage helps to reach Thai harmony which is one of the most popular and efficient therapy from the East. It is basically different from European massages because they don’t use oils or creams. During the dry massage acupunctural points are massaged by hands, knees or elbows.

Relaxation headmassage (30 minutes):

  • It is indicated for headaches, migrains, vertiginous diseases, because the masseur works on head and neck. The first treatment can take a turn to the better from stressful lifesytle.

Foot massage (30 minutes):

  • During foot massage the whole body is treated due to reflex areas on the foot. Each tract has the exact place on foot and massaging points can help to reduce pains.

Partial massage (15 minutes):

  • Starting with back and waist massage then neck and shoulders. After that legs and foots finishing with arms and hands.

Whole body massage (30 minutes):

  • Back, waist, neck and shoulders massaging then legs, foots, arms and hands, face and chest. Finishing with stomach by easy movements.

Bounty coco oils massage (30 minutes):

  • During the massage the masseur uses coco oli for hydration, slow downs skin aging. The oil contains only natural matters.  

Cinnamon cream massage (30 minutes):

  • Due to cinnamon skin becomes tighty, regenerated the skin and causes congestion and it is very good against fat..

Plum palinka- spirit massage (30 minutes):

  • For the treatment the maseur uses massage cream with plum spirit and jam as well. Plum is a natural iron source, full of with calcium and potassium, fatburning effect and sterilizes the skin.

Nofretete massage (30 minutes):

  • Beside the massage cream using butterfat, honey and aroma oil. Massage can help to have a silky and soft skin.

Chocolate massage (30 minute):

  • Chocolate freshens skin and keep youth look. Due to endorphin content after the treatment you can leave the salon as a happier person.

Reuma massage (30 massage):

  • Against rheumatic diseases with Inno Rheuma Oil.

Tranquillizer massages (30 or 60 minutes):

Regenerating massage with calendula oil:

  • It is good for wounds, against inflammation and for sterilization. Besides available for dry and sensitive skin so this excellent choice for ageing skin.

Massage for better mood with cinnamon and orange oils:

  • It helps to relax and feel yourself comfortable and also against stressful condition.

Sedative massage with lavender oil:

  • This massage has two effects: tranquillizer and invigoration also. It is good for rheumatic due to effect againts inflammation.

Harmony massage with peppermint and rosemary oil:

  • Peppermint oil helps  relaxing muscles and sedates myalgia. Rosemary oil vivify the circulation of body, lessens inflammation besides good for spasmus and for strains.

Plain’s magic- massage with lemongrass and orange oil:

  • Lemongrass oil has a good effect for disquiet and anxiety but lessens migrains and rheumatism. Together with orange oil is the perfect combination against stress. 

Hydration massage with aloe vera oil:

  • It is full of with vitamins and minerals that is why it is suited for every types of skin.

Massage packages:

Available only from Monday to Saturday between 14:00-18:40.

Alföld Gyöngye complex treatment:

  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Salty-spirit scrub (15minutes), massage with optional oil (grape seed oil, ylang-ylang, cinnamon-orange- 20 minutes), solarium (10 minutes)

Vivifying complex treatment for women:

  • Duration: 55 minutes
  • Pampering massage with grape seed oil (20 minutes), Skin tightening treatment (cinnamon or coffe-20 minutes), aroma bath (15 minutes).

Vitalization complex treatment for men:

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Sportmassage (20 minutes), sea-salt scrub (15 minutes), aroma bath (15 minutes)

Hawaii Relax:

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Lava stone back massage (20 minutes), sea salt scrub (15 minutes), solarium (10 minutes)

Alföld Gyöngye medical salt massage:

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Massage with special mixture cream, medical water and salt.

Other treatments, services:

Whole body scrub (25 minutes)

Yoga (min. 5 people):

  • Yoga helps to keep in balance the body and flexibility. It keeps our mental health, develops self-regards and last but not least helps in slimming diet.


  • On Fridays it is available with daily ticket. Minimum 10 people need to the group. Anyone can take part it isn’t not depend on age, gender or health. Easier than normal fitness because of the power of water.


  • It is a kind of dry gymnastic. Need 10 people for the group. It doesn’t strain bones or joints. Regular exercises can improve our pose and back muscles.


  • It is important to observe the rules for tanning: moderationg and observing skin, strawberry marks and our eyes.

Physiotherapy treatments:

Spa medical treatments:


  • The medical water of Gyopáros has an anti-inflammation effect using it with lower temperature, but higher temperature is good for rigid muscles. Breathing vapour it can help respiratory diseases and it is proper for special skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Please ask for your doctor in connection with contraindications!

Healing exercises under water:

  • The aim of healing exercises under water is relieve spine and limbs, improving power of muscle, developing the coordination of movement and balance. Moving into the water takes effect for parts of movement system, respiratory, vascular and nerve system.

Mud treatment:

  • Hot mud cushions help depress inflammations, slack muscles and speed up metabolism. This treatment is good for athritis, rigid muscles. It invigorates inflammation and self-healing process of the organism.

Tangentor- subaquatic water jet massage:

  • Treatment is happened in a special tub with a water jet that oriented to rigid muscles. Massage and relaxing effects are good for tone of muscle, circulation of blood and lymph. It vibes the soft parts so stimuletes circulation of blood and lymph and contributes to detoxification. It is indicated for muscle pain, athritis, rehabilitaion and keeping fit. This massage has a pankilling effect and dissolve stress, relax muscles and help renew the skin.

Hydromassage in tub:

  • Hydromassage dissolves stress, refreshes mind. Systematic usage assures good comfort and has preventing curative power for heart and vascular system, locomotor and digestive system.

Medical massage:

  • Masseurs do massages in intimate and relaxing room. Medical massage helps release symptoms of articulation and muscle diseases, strains. Improves blood circulation in muscular and further areas hereby muscle is be slacken and pain will be reduced. Soul and body will refresh and circulation of blood will be stimulated.

Tub massage:

  • Who cannot stand againts for a hot and redolent bath? Bathing is good for muscle, skin and soul or rather has a pleasure comfort.

Carbon dioxide acid bath:

  • Carbon acid is given into water which dilates the surface blood vessels, as a result cardiac function improves, the heart rate normalizes, the blood pressure becomes lower. Micromassage improves blood circulation and improves metabolism.  This is why carbonic acid bath is recommended to cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure but i t has a positive effect also on the various rheumatic pains and osteoporosis.

Weight bath:

  • This is the best treatment for diseases of special spinal complaints. It happens in medical pool, depends on the bodyweight with neck or armpit backup. While hanging in the water different weigths are fixed on the back or ankle. The stretching process renders the restoration of the original and healthy conditionof the discs possible. Weight bath is a painless treatment as the elevating power of water relieves the nerve roots under pressure.
  • Weight bath is indicated for diseases of neck and lumbar discs,  diseases of articulation of iliac, kneel and ankle.

Inhaler treatment (salt room):

  • Besides treatments using the saltroom is free. Natural salt offers traditional healing therapy for every people which based on ancient experiences. Indicated for pulmonary disease, asthma, whoop, maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, inflammation, flu, nerve- cardiac and vascular system diseases, allergy, skin disease, stress. It is a complement treatment of gout and diabetes.

Medical gymnastic in grou:

Gymnatic (medical exercises) happens in medical pool in case of 10 people registry.

Other physicotherapy treatments:


  • The main aim is reducing chronic pain. Pain evolves from many different results and these different pains are able to managed with different electrotherapy treatments. During physicotherapy energy is taken in body that cells can use for their selfhealing process due to its relaxing, resolving effect.
  • Treatments with low frequences*: galvanic, iontophoresis, diadynamic current, selective stimulus current, hydrogalvanic, TENS.
  • Medium frequences*  interference treatments.
  • High frequences treatments*: short wave condenser treatment, microwave condenser treatment.


  • During hot paraffin* treatment they use thermostatic property as like sauna it improves blood circulation, strengthen skin and atrophy, has a strong painkiller effect.


  • Medical exercises* use special movements cotrolled by trained physiotherapist. Aim is preventing locomotor health, recovering function, strengthen muscle and protection of atrophy. By medical prescription or physiotherapist’s examination there is individual or group exercises for example: neck-spine, shoulder, spinal gymnastics, kneel, hip, hand, wrist exercises.

*Treatments signed with star is used in the Spa by Orosháza Hospital. They are paid by OEP (Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary). Consultation hours are different from the Gyopáros Spa opening time.   

    Daily rates

    Daily rates

    Hotel Corvus Aqua's rack rate prices

    Valid: 07.01.2024 - 23.12.2024

    Number of nights (minimum): 1 night

    19 400 Ft

    from /person/night

    Gyopáros relax days

    Gyopáros relax days

    Preferential offer for the perfect recreation (with Saturday night Spa)

    Valid: 30.08.2024 - 23.12.2024

    Number of nights (minimum): 2 nights

    22 990 Ft

    from /person/night

    Sausage festival

    Sausage festival

    A weekend whose theme revolves around sausage

    Valid: 24.10.2024 - 27.10.2024

    Number of nights (minimum): 2 nights

    24 990 Ft

    from /person/night
